Social Activities

Blood Donation & Health Check-Up Camp

BJSSM NGO understands the need for blood and arranges blood donation camps every year. These camps are arranged with the help of local health care and doctors who observe all the donors and their health status. We collect blood in a very sanitized way and preserve them in prominent zipped bags. Then we sent those packets to the blood banks and nearby hospitals to avail them for local people. We do health care and awareness programs on AIDS, TB control, Malaria, Filarial, and Diarrhea camps are organized often.

Eye Check-Up Camp

 BJSSM NGO organizes eye check-up camps where people get the opportunities for a free check-up from doctors. For a free consultation, many people come here to get the service. We all know the value of our eyes. So from our BJSSM NGO, we encourage people in eye donating which can give back the vision of some blind. A blind knows how it feels when he can’t see our beautiful earth. We always try to give the best medical facilities to every poor, deprived, and socio-economic class of people. Here, we also distribute free medicines, eye-drops, spectacles to take care of your precious eyes.  Many senior citizens make a regular visit to our camps.

Cloth Distribution

The members of the BJSSM NGO distribute garments, blankets, and woolen clothes to the poor and destitute people. The members of our society arrange cloth distribution camps every year with the help of local business owners to provide clothes to needy children and homeless people. Every year we also distribute saree to women who work as a maid on special occasions like Durga puja or Eid.

Lockdown Relief

Due to the effect of COVID-19 or Coronavirus, people become jobless and are starving from hunger. BJSSM has been constantly trying to reach the poor communities and to serve them essential commodities like Rice, Dal, Oil, Soap, and Potatoes. Besides, hygienically cooked food has also been distributed almost every alternate day with support from the local administration. All the distribution has been done observing social distancing and protective measures like masks and gloves usage.


About Us

Bramhachari Jyotirmoy Saraswati Shishu Mandir is located at Haripal, Hooghly, West Bengal. 37 dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their education in this Other Board school. Bramhachari Jyotirmoy Saraswati Shishu Mandir was started in the year 2010. 

Contact Us

Vill+P.O- Dwarhata, P.S- Haripal, Dist- Hooghly, Pin- 712403

+91-9002392680 / 8101284100 / 8016708878